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How We Work

A small business focus

The ENTR. Entrepreneur Advancement Program was designed to reestablish a focus on the power of sales and presenting your idea to the masses. We believe that without sales you cannot be profitable and without being profitable you cannot be sustainable. This is an area that we do not see as a priority as much as it should. Many small business programs focus on obtaining funding. We agree in this approach. However, we have noticed a large percentage of entrepreneurs and small business owners who where able to open but lack the passion in selling themselves, their products or services. These are the well known essential elements to having your business open today and stay open in the future.

Unfortunately, a large number of entrepreneurs cannot obtain funding for their ideas and concepts. Often, what is needed are some key business tools, guidance and the willingness to bring customers to the table. This is where ENTR. comes in. We provide customized business tools combined with the guidance that can support an established business owner or a new entrepreneur with an idea. 


ENTR. accounts come equipped for today’s business owner. We cut the confusion and save time in establishing the services needed to push a business service forward.

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Digital Assets


Sales Materials


Press Features

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Planning Guidance

Why Digital Assets

Business has changed and entrepreneurs are racing to catch up. Today, the world of business lives predominately through digital engagement. These engagements are reaching beyond just the use of social media and going back to the research and interaction with the business online. This is why we provide our account holders with a professionally customized website platform dedicated to their business with its own mobile version. Businesses have to be prepared to be professionally researched.

Why Planning Guidance 

Business guidance is perhaps one of the most broad terms that exist in business. It is not all made equal. The advice you may get on promotion or branding can have nothing to do with the core development of an idea or business. Since ENTR. was born from a company that offers business-to-business services centered around strategic planning, we have an advantage. We look at a business and their services from several perspectives while keeping our customers interest in mind. 

Why Sales Materials

Customers depend on sales literature from a business to support making their decision. This is an area that a customer may not mention but expects. Think about getting a new cell phone and there’s no documentation on what’s in the plan you purchased. It can cause confusion and limit the overall experience. However, this is easier said than done. There is a comprehensive process when creating this type of material as it can change based on the situation. We provide our account holders with access to get the materials they need to help close the deal. 

Why Press Features

Who says what about you and your company or services matters to the world. Think about how making business decisions changed when services
like Yelp and product reviews were born. Even though many reviews can be false, people still don’t mind knowing. Press features on a business owner or their services are powerful moments that encourage customers to buy or consider new services. However, they can be difficult to obtain. If getting someone to take time to write a positive service review can be difficult, a press feature can be even more challenging. This is why we keep a look out on our account holders to see which of their milestones are making an impact.


The application process. 

We rely heavily on nominations for small business owners and entrepreneurs from preexisting account holders, service partners or affiliates. However, anyone is welcome to apply for an account. Unfortunately, we will not be able assist every business type or applicant. 

The review process. 

The review process time can depend on a multitude of variables that can range from the type of business the applicant has to their ability to grow their business. 

Setting up your account. 

If an account is approved, now the ball gets rolling in establishing ENTR. with their business or concept. 


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ENTR. is development of Binchmark | The Development Hub. for the support and advancement of entrepreneurs, business owners and industry professionals.

Binchmark C/O ENTR.
P.O. Box 68393, Virginia Beach, VA 23471

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